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Ads by CrazyAboutBanners.com |
Q: Can I Join CrazyAboutBanners for Free?
A: No, we do not offer a free membership.
Q: Can I have more than one account?
A: Yes. Members are allowed to have more than one account. Simply purchase extra banner packages using your own referral link. This way you are buying more banner advertising at a discount since you earn the $5 sponsor bonus and the 50 cent matrix commission. You are still helping your sponsor and possibly your downline members by taking up extra positions in the matrix as well as increasing your earning potential by having multiple positions in the matrix.
** Please use a different email address for each account **
Q: How can members earn at CrazyAboutBanners?
A: More than just a great way to advertise your business CAB can even help you increase your earning potential. By introducing CAB to others you can earn a $5 sponsorship bonus every time someone joins CAB using your referral link and that’s just the start.
Every CAB member is automatically placed in our 2×20 company forced matrix. Just for being a CAB member you will earn 50 cents on every member that spills under you in your entire organization and it doesn’t matter who sponsored them.
Q:How do I join?
A: Just click the join now button on the front page and fill out the page with your details….You will be directed to the payment processor of your choice.
Q: Which Payment Processors do you accept?
A: We accept Payza, Solid Trust Pay and EgoPay.
Q: When do I get paid?
A: Commission payments are sent automatically Monday through Friday to any member that has earned a minimum of $5.
Q: Are there any withdrawal fees?
A: We do not charge a withdrawal fee however your payment processor of choice may charge a fee. The fee they charge is out of our control.
Q: How many levels deep does this affiliate program go?
A: Our affiliate program goes 20 levels deep. That means you will be paid a commission for each person who joins below you for up to 20 levels no matter who their sponsor is.
Q: How much I can earn?
Level 1: $1.00
Level 2: $2.00
Level 3: $4.00
Level 4: $8.00
Level 5: $16.00
Level 6: $32.00
Level 7: $64.00
Level 8: $128.00
Level 9: $256.00
Level 10: $512.00
Level 11: $1024.00
Level 12: $2048.00
Level 13: $4096.00
Level 14: $8192.00
Level 15: $16384.00
Level 16: $32768.00
Level 17: $65536.00
Level 18: $131072.00
Level 19: $262144.00
Level 20: $524288.00
Q: How long before I can start earning money?
A: You can start earning as soon as you sign up. You will receive the link codes you will need to refer customers and affiliates alike to us immediately.
Q: Do You Offer Refunds?
A: No, we do not offer Refunds. Crazy About Banners have a no refund policy. You are purchasing Advertising. All sales are final.
Q: Why was my Ad rejected?
A: We do not allow the following sites to be advertised on CrazyAboutBanners
Any sites using a link rotator.
Sites related to porn, gambling, warez, Adult, hate, illicit material, immoral activities, illegal or offensive content.
Donation sites.
Sites not in English.
Frame breakers.
Sites that are misleading or are covering (hiding) the actual intended content.
Sites with repeated pop ups on the page or more than a single exit pop ups/leaving the page.
Sites that have music/sound/video without an off/pause/mute switch.
Sites that attempt to download files automatically.
Crazy About Banners referral sites in the form of splash pages, lead capture pages and direct referral links.
Any other sites that are showing either a blank page, a small banner or login page.
Not-found-404 Error.
White pages with captcha blocking sites are not allowed
Violation of intellectual property rights.
If you need further help please feel free to contact us. Click Here to contact us